Thursday, April 15, 2010

Independence Examiner story & JCRB proposals

Yesterday, on the front page of the Examiner, "World Conference: Converts welcome without rebaptism". Nothing unexpected there, I suppose. I don't subscribe to the Examiner so my apologies for not getting this up till today.

Devon Park has recently elected a new pastor, Paul Sinclair, and has submitted the following resolutions to the Joint Conference of Restoration Branches that will meet next week.

Open Invitation to All Believers of the Original Doctrines of the RLDS Church
Submitted by Devon Park Branch

Whereas, the JCRB is a conference that has an ultimate goal of bringing about the Kingdom of God through the blessings of the Lord and the members of His church, and

Whereas, the JCRB invites all who believe in the doctrines received from God through Joseph Smith, Jr and continued through Joseph Smith III, and

Whereas, the church has been fractured in many places and scattered because of the lack of spiritual instruction, study of the scriptures and church history, and the acceptance of doctrines contrary to the original teachings of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and

Whereas, this conference wishes to continue to re-establish a working relationship with all those who hold to the original doctrines whether they still be participating in the Community of Christ or currently not attending a branch and may have been lost in “the dark and cloudy day” that has recently beset us, and

Whereas, some of these members are still in the Community of Christ and are possibly now seeking a home where they can begin to work toward these like goals and realizing the false doctrines such as women in the priesthood, open communion and other doctrines that have been taught and propagated within the COC, and

Whereas, many of these members have been confused, yet trying to find the way God would have them go and now seek to find like believers who want to worship and build up the Kingdom together with others of like mind,

Therefore be it resolved, that the JCRB publish an open letter on its website and in its magazine publications in the next few months that invites members of the COC who are trying to make or have made a decision to leave it, and are looking for a place to go that teaches and practices the original doctrines of the RLDS church, to come and join with us in unity of purpose.

Letter of Invitation to CRE and POZ
Submitted by Devon Park Branch

Whereas, the Lord has said that, ‘If ye are not one, ye are not mine.” (D&C 38:27) and,

Whereas, one of the main goals of the JCRB is to give voice and vote to all members of the church including all priesthood with authority given through the heritage of angelic ministry and all members with authoritative baptism, and

Whereas, our goal is to unify the branches and individual members who wish to build up the Kingdom of God on earth through the laws and doctrines received from God through Joseph Smith, Jr. and continued through Joseph Smith, III, and

Whereas, there are several groups at this time who claim to have these same goals but in recent years have become distanced from one another and from the JCRB for various reasons, and

Whereas, the only actions this body of saints (the JCRB) can take in meeting our goal of unity is to continually pray and invite our brothers and sisters to join us and request that all saints everywhere be discouraged from rhetoric and actions that cause division among the saints and instead encourage all saints to be unified and of one body,

Therefore be it resolved, that the JCRB extend the hand of fellowship by sending an open letter of invitation from this body to the Pastors of Zion and the Conference of Restoration Elders to join together in unity of purpose, asking them to adopt a policy of unity among the saints and to reject any rhetoric of division, and

Be it further resolved, that this letter be written, sent and published by the end of April 2010, and be updated, published and sent again before the 2011 CRE conference.

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